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Fairfield Hills Authoritiy - 12/20/05
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Robert Geckle, Andrew Willie, John Reed, Amy Dent, William Lavery, Walter Motyka, Moira Rodgers, Donald Studley, First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, State Representative Julia Wasserman

ALSO PRESENT:  Scott Baillie (O&G), Richard Sturdevant, Ed Marks (Parks & Rec), two members of public, one member of public

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Ms. Dent moved to approve the minutes of the 11/15/05 regular meeting with one amendment – page 2 – the planning committee met with someone from the “State” economic development commission.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Public Participation:  Ms. Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, distributed information that she submitted to the members of the Legislative Council regarding economic development.  She believes that the town should do a study to determine how much municipal services really cost when businesses move into a town.  She feels that there are studies that have shown that economic development spurs residential growth.  

Finance Committee:
Mr. Studley distributed copies of a report on Fairfield Hills Operating Expenses (copy attached).  All of the 2003/04 carry-over has now been spent, there is $111,000 left in the 2004/05 carry-over, and there is approximately $376,000 left in the current budget.  He spoke to Finance Director Ben Spragg about moving the landscaping costs from May and June out of the current fiscal year and deduct from the carry-over funds.  

Operating Committee:
Mr. Geckle advised that after the first of the year, there will be a meeting with the Master Gardener people to look at the site and the plans for the landscaping.
        Mr. Baillie reported that the first official design team meeting was held with Tae Soo Kim Partners and Vollmer Associates to discuss the specific project approach, scope of work, coordination issues and schedule das detailed by the Master Plan and the Authority’s direction.  O&G reinforced the fact that design is to be done to budget constraints.  Vollmer will set the overall theme of the campus as far as the design elements.  Tai Soo Kim will get in touch with the different department heads of the town to talk about space requirements, need for public access to departments, etc.  They will coordinate this with the First Selectman.  Vollmer will get together with Parks & Recreation to discuss scenarios and options regarding fields and trails.  Mr. Baillie will get a copy of the Space Needs Study that was done previously and give to Tai Soo Kim.  Both design firms will be present at the next meeting of the Authority.
        Soil remediation has begun at Kent House.  The only problem encountered so far is that the drains are blocked and more water than expected is in the trenches being dug.
        Mr. Geckle reported that he, Mr. Willie and Dr. Reed met with members of Trout Unlimited to discuss how activities at the campus will impact the water flows.   There is now a Pootatuck Watershed Authority which was formed as a result of the $200,000 the town was required to give to the Potatuck Fish & Game Club for water rights at the campus.

Planning Committee:
Mr. Studley reported that a meeting was held concerning the proposal received from North American Realty.  He attended, along with Mr. Willie, Dr. Reed and Mr. Harrall of HMA.  The Authority will, at some point, be in a position to negotiate contracts with potential developers and North American Realty could help in that process.  Mr. Geckle reported that another meeting has been set up with North American for January 13.
        Ms. Dent reported that the subcommittee met with the Connecticut Development Authority looking for alternative funding.  They were advised that there are no state funds and they were directed to look at federal funding.  They met with someone from US Rep. Nancy Johnson’s office who advised that there is no federal funding at this time for anything but the war.  It was suggested that we look to private funding sources.  She will continue to pursue funding and welcomes any suggestions.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

                                                                Jan Andras, Clerk